For Elizabeth

Hello Ms Elizabeth Renzetti!

I so enjoyed listening to your interview this morning on CBC’s The Sunday Edition! It reminded me so much of the mercurial personality of my Male Muse who I write about in my upcoming book of spoken-word poetry, featuring art by Juan Carlos Noria (aka dixon) where London, England is a character and backdrop. Take a look:


Augusta Price isn’t the kind of woman you’d invite to an intimate dinner party. Nor is she someone you’d want to count on for anything. She is an unlikeable British actress, a has-been who’s self-centred when she’s sober and self-destructive when she’s inebriated. Which is pretty much all of the time.

From word one, the central character of Based on a True Story is transparently awful.


Russell Square Station: mine the trash takes its name from the literary Bloomsbury borough of Camden, London UK and is also the site of an infamous bomb attack in 2005. Ottawa (Canadian) poet Sylvie Hill laments with feverish expression, and raw recollection through the colourful art of Juan Carlos Noria (aka dixon), the devastation of her own experience with [m]using a bombastic British man (who also featured as a desired one-night stand in her first book, Hoxton Square Circles: starfucking tales of sexless one-night stands). A decade later, the fated reunion off Tottenham Court Road is more Stockholm Syndrome than Brit stiff upper lip. Hill’s apparent temerity facing a devilish rockstar is bourbon-soaked and reeks of naivety. Whether it is the man or her own morals that oppress, she tramples through the aftermath, and writes everything with her boots on.


Russell Square Station - the muse

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Kickstarting in Fall. Publishers welcome!