Loss of light lately. Take a look at your plants. They are starting to reach for the light of your windows to the fading sun in a dwindling season where we are discombobulated by summery heat roasting our shorter days when we usually would be digging out scarves from ottoman storage.
Watch the plants and then watch yourself because the leaves on the trees will fall and the chill in the air will hole us up again in ourselves. And lesser light and dark skies and bright lights of cars at night are coming on. And while cozy in evenings by fires and crisp days of blue skies and frigid cold on skins in dead of winter, it’s another summer gone and plans missed, vacations not taken, and evening walks in a neighbourhood not safe enough for a single woman.
But in a hopeless dying season ahead comes the belief that our cycles can shift and we’ll have our rebirth yet.
Watch how you bend with or against the wind. And mind your Self that bends to the light and warmth of the burning blessing in the sky that rises and in the late late afternoon — always, relentlessly, sets.
SH 2017