Thank you, Don’t Come Again (aka Duelity)
You arrive just like you come
Intruding before the agreed upon
Time and time again, you with the upper hand
We all sit, fucked, not knowing what just happened.
You go like you came
Quiet lead up to your exiting
When the lover comes in the building
Well, there goes the Friend — see?
Tu vas et tu viens,
What is up with your hands, mate?
Push ’em away once, I could take
But second time to prevent the mistake?
Always have to have the upper hand in this game?
My lovely girl, the guy went, he’s always long gone with his lost love before he ever came
— to you.
You arrive just like you come
Mysterious, secretive, dark-sunglassed, slight-smilin’ Devil
someone shakes down, your crowd shivers some…
We all sit, fucked, not knowing what just happened.
© Sylvie Hill 2014
Art: dixon / “Plywood Series” / 10x16x4cm / spray paint and acrylic on plywood / 2010 — with Juan Carlos Noria.