NO MAN, NO LOVE, NO CRUSH (aka Chick With The Big Tits)
“No Man, No Love, No Crush (aka Chick With The Big Tits)”
That chick with the big tits?
Man, she’s pinned you down!
You lay flat, prostrated:
In London Town.
That chick with the big tits?
Man, you call that love?!
So why lay with all kinds of women?
From what do you run?
That chick with the big tits?
Man, she’s on, then off?
She looks like she fights a lot
You get off on higher ground.
That chick with the big tits?
Man, she squashes.
Is that why you puff yourself up
And with any good girl: you quash it?
That chick with the big tits?
Man, she fucking T O W E R S.
You’re deflated in her shade
She casts over, you cower.
That chick with the big tits?
Man, you are who loves you.
She looks full of herself, mate.
Bet you like her big nipples, too.
Well, I am glad I am flat-chested!
Sunbeams aren’t blocked by my big boobies
so they mother-fucking radiate straight to my heart
— and a future ‘His’.
Listen: No man/no love/no crush gets crushed on my watch like this.
© Sylvie Hill 2014
dixon / art trade with Dietrich Rosteck / spray paint and acrylic on chip board / 20x30cm — with Juan Carlos Noria.