The journey endeth?
…which is unbelievably great; learning everyday how to stay sane
Well, here I am! And here we were for The Table Story Part I with the Carpenter and Part II. And here you are … probably waiting for the much-promised update on “The Table Story”. Many months have passed, so what did the table teach me?
In short, every time I thought I would be “ready” to give you the lesson I learned, I found myself still learning.
Since the last post, I have so much to tell you, reader. Will you come back? I have a story I want to share with you about … a dance across the world, under the sea when I dreamed a thousand dreams, the night he danced with me. It was a dance – an El Hula – and a table. A table dance? Yeh, sort of. You’ll be surprised!
But for now, my biggest gift about Big, Big Love and Life comes to me not from my own table, but from the writing of someone else. No, not a guy. But from a girl.
What did I say girls should go for in dudes? No sissies! Sure, fine, but no girl says it better than blogger Dana Stasyk from Vancouver in her column, “Sissies Need Not Apply” when she speaks for not settling for anything but the best.
And that means not settling for a lesser you, ladies and gents and everyone in between.
She quotes Eckhart Tolle, and Rocky to prove her point that “I need to work on me, improve ME, and become the woman I really want to be – and then I’ll be the caliber of what I want to attract.” And that goes for both people in a relationship.
Tomorrow, October 31, it will be one full year that I’ve last heard my ex-partner’s voice. November 1st, the morning that I said goodbye to him forever in voice. I’ve never talked to him in person since. I’ve never seen him; only his truck — once. Perhaps twice, for which a caring male friend consoled me acknowledging my panic, saying: “It’s an unexpected horror, sure.”
Indeed, facing “the dead” always is! But like the tree that gets reclaimed and transformed into a beautiful table, clichéd, I suppose, but truth – death gives way to new things.
No, I haven’t had sex on my table if that’s what you’re wondering! Because … well, because I choose not to until I find me this “Right Guy.” By then, I’ll be ready for this …